Saturday, November 2, 2019

Business research report Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3500 words

Business report - Research Paper Example What are the responsibilities of the corporate companies with reference to glass ceiling? Based on the literature review and discussions, the paper outlines the recommendations to create a level playing field for the women employees to succeed in their carrier and attain top positions of leadership. The recommendations outlined covers introduction of reforms in the performance scales to avoid discrimination on the basis of gender, introduction of quota system by the government by allocating proportional representation for women in recruitment and promotions to higher positions and introduction of legal reforms by the government for property rights to women in succession. These basic reforms at the company and government level will increase the presence of women in top positions in various organizations, institutions and the government departments. The other barriers enumerated will be shattered down over the period of time, once the fundamental reform process covering these issues ar e carried out. Introduction Purpose of the report The issue of glass ceiling in the context of the developments in technology, telecommunication and media assumes greater significance on account equality of opportunities to the women in the society. Several companies have declared this issue as an objective in their CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) programs. The purpose of the report is to analyze and present the various issues involved in practice and the ways to rectify the position for a better working atmosphere by ensuring equality in opportunity for all in the society for a sustainable development. Scope The scope of the paper is to cover the concept of glass ceiling, the factors leading to this phenomenon in the companies, institutions and government and the responsibilities on the part of the corporate companies or other institutions in fixing up the issue. And as such, the issues extraneous to this objective are covered only to the extent they are relevant to the topic of the discussion. Sources and Methods This report relies mainly on secondary sources for analysis and discussion. The data with reference to glass ceiling are analyzed in the background of the information gathered from the secondary sources which forms the basis for the recommendations. Limitations The psychological factors involved in the study may vary from person to person within the society among males and females. Therefore, perception with regard to the issues could be mostly subjective in nature conditioned by their cultural background, level of education and the individuals’ experience. Therefore, the study can only give broad outlines in its findings and giving specific solution or recommendation to the issue would be difficult. Glass ceiling The discrimination by sex was outlawed in the Civil Rights Act, 1964. The barriers to the advancement of women in employment especially for the leadership positions still exists in various forms though there has been considera ble progress achieved in the lower and middle levels in business organizations and the government departments as per the statistics. Stock, K (2011) states that

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